promoting a bold and singular artistic voice
To generate interest in Maurya Kerr / tinypistol’s shows and workshops, and create a distinct design voice for the San Francisco-based dance company.
By establishing a flexible yet recognizable visual style that can embody the themes of individual works, and the daring energy that binds them.
Selected promotional materials representing a decade of unique artistry, collaboration, and exploration.
my role
In my past life as a dancer, Maurya Kerr was an idol (I had a poster of her in my high school dorm), and then my best teacher. When I transitioned to a career in design she became my first client. Since 2012 I’ve worked with Maurya designing promotional materials for her company, tinypistol. Her work deals with themes of racial and gender identity, beauty, power, violence, and belonging, and she brings a clear vision to every project. Finding the space between her artistic vision and my interpretation has been one of my most fulfilling challenges, and it is my most personal work.
client Maurya Kerr
photography for ‘Beast’ Stephen Texiera